
喜剧联结-是大臣专题 (2008)

  • 别名:Comedy Connections-Season 6, Episode2
  • 豆瓣评分:  9.6
  • 演员: Doon Mackichan
  • 上映时间: 2008-07-25
  • 更新时间:
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喜剧联结-是大臣专题原名:Comedy Connections: Yes Minister,又名Comedy Connections-Season 6, Episode2

发布于2008年。由Ellen-Raissa Jackson执导,集众多位Doon Mackichan等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2008-07-25公映的电影。

ways and means 2023-10-13


Go East 2022-08-30

内部线人很强大,什么head of policy财政大臣副总理啥的……最后Bernard委屈巴巴说自己终于授勋了哈哈,英国人是真的很在意这个! 很有*****印记。***为YM写的剧本一看就是忠实粉丝,语言风格超到位。 Hacker表情帝。到****访问被当作首相而非演员对待。编剧还撺掇他去竞选MP,说要是当选的话就包了他所有演讲稿。两位编剧真是人才!

阿默沫 2021-11-27


狼** 2020-03-09

笑到岔气,编剧对🇬🇧随口一槽就是核武级别的**力: Viewers to the program were the first to discover two pretty shocking things: one, the country wasn’t being run by our elected politicians but by Sir Humphrey and his colleagues from a gentlemen’s club: and two, run is the wrong word because that implies activity. The country was in fact being expertly kept at a standstill.

MiyaYu 2019-06-15


人在风里~ 2018-09-24

***** script, two wonderful wonderful actors who became, you know,two of ** best friends in the world.I thank them, and I miss them. 泪目。2018.09.24//严重入坑啊啊啊啊2018.09.22

衿小羊 2016-09-17

they are such likable people. i thank them, and i miss them.

蝈蝈儿 2014-10-10

有关Yes, Minister的一切都能使我兴味盎然,更不要说这么有参考价值的纪录片了。


每次一看jim听说前首相去世时候那个表情还是会笑到不行。太经典了。神剧刷多少遍都不会厌。humpy的词汇量真是值得学习。最后三剑客剩下的bernard的表白真的超级深情TUTgreat scrip,2 wonderful actors who became ** best friends in the world,i thank them,i miss them【泪目TUT

小龙人orwell 2010-11-27
