
厕所秘史 (2012)

  • 别名:厕所:难言的历史 / 疯狂的厕所
  • 豆瓣评分:  7.7
  • 演员: Ifor Ap Glyn / Ron Cutler / Junko Kobayashi
  • 上映时间: 2012-07-16
  • 更新时间:
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厕所秘史原名:The Toilet: An Unspoken History,又名厕所:难言的历史、疯狂的厕所

We each spend three years of our lives on the toilet, but how happy are we talking about this essential part of our lives? This film challenges that mindset by uncovering its role in our culture and exploring the social history of the toilet in Britain and abroad - as well as exploring many of our cultural toilet taboos. Starting in Merida, Spain with some of the the earliest s...

发布于2012年。由Nick Watts执导,集众多位Ifor Ap Glyn、Ron Cutler、Junko Kobayashi等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2012-07-16公映的电影。

兵部侍郎千夏 2021-10-29

欧洲中世纪的卫生状况权游体现的很明显,街道狭窄,除了部分道路会有石板,大部分都是泥泞的烂泥路,而且*尿都是从阳台直接泼下来,整个城市弥漫着恶心的臭味,好像到**大**的前夕还是这么干的。 农业社会国家就有很大改观了,在没有肥料的年代,💩就是最好的生物肥料,尤其是富人区的💩,专门有农民来收,所以卫生环境还是有一定的改观。我记得建国不久的北京很多胡同就是没有农民就来收*,搞得臭气熏天。还好现在有自动抽水马桶了,厕所也是人类文明史的一大体现呀。

Cynosure 2019-08-11


婆罗洲1834 2018-08-22

1.马桶舒适味小,蹲厕卫生保健,结论,蹲厕好。2.The paradox of the toilet - as they became universally available,an aura of secrecy grew up around what we actually did in them.We're in a state of collective denial about what are completely natural functions.We employ a long list of washroom euphemisms,we deflect our embarrassment with toilet humour.3.The massive problems faced by the developing world,how do u bring sanitation to 2.6 billion people?Not many of the ideas on offer at this conference seem big enough to make much of a dent in a problem of that massive magnitute.4,They're so pushed to ***** over there that they're dumping rubbish into the lake to expand the room they can build on.

巴喆 2016-08-16


司马良木 2013-10-27


青山眉黛 2013-09-17

#公开探索***# 072 4.5 **有排水设施以及公用清洁棍的大公厕,中世纪的旱厕,英国人发明了抽水马桶,日本厕所体现了诸多特点,孟加拉的公厕还不及1500年前的**,未来可能提取便便中的能量,环保回归自然的木屑堆肥厕所返璞归真。作为厕所史貌似不够全面。很多内容是吃饭时候看的。

Christophe 2013-01-27


芦哲峰 2012-11-27


烧坏的内存条 2012-08-13


神威太太 2012-08-09
