

  • 别名:F*ck
  • 豆瓣评分:  7.9
  • 演员: 阿兰妮斯·莫利塞特 / 德鲁·加尔利 / 山姆·唐纳森
  • 上映时间: 2005-11-07
  • 更新时间:
八戒共享 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!






A documentary that takes a look at the infamous F word from both the liberal and conservative perspective. From Hollywood to the schoolyard to the Senate floor it's the word at the very center of the debate on free speech, and everyone seems to have an opinion.

发布于2005年。由Steve Anderson执导,集众多位阿兰妮斯·莫利塞特、德鲁·加尔利、山姆·唐纳森等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2005-11-07公映的电影。

点蜡看电影 2023-08-15



**** the fucking fucked-up fucks Those fucked-up ****-ups fucking **** Told you once , you stupid cunts You fucked-up ****-ups are fucked-up

decidels 2015-01-21


7酱™ 2015-01-17

you'll love it!哈哈哈哈哈~

★Napoleon, 2012-11-25

pulp fiction里面有271个****对吧

gintou 2010-02-26

我只能說****!我超喜歡這部紀錄片的 看完之後跟H兩個人走出電影院講話還是一直F個不停哈哈

蒂夫 2009-10-29

妙趣横生的纪录片~ 一开始给****四星 直到最后那无数的****出现 我High了 nice fucking **** movie, fuckawesome!!!

【半注销】 2009-08-19

love is just a ****-letter word.

一"一 2009-03-24

If I had the copyright on the word F*ck!

何倩彤 2007-04-11

10/4/2007 2:30pm Science Museum