
巴哈特.辛格的传奇 (2002)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Ajay Devgan / Sushant Singh / D. Santosh / Akhilendra Mishra
  • 上映时间: 2002-06-07
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罪恶终结者 维克拉姆、普拉卡什·拉贾
墙 沙希·卡普尔、阿米达普·巴强
学爸 10-14




巴哈特.辛格的传奇原名:The Legend of Bhagat Singh,

Bhagat was born in British India during the year 1908. As a child he witnessed numerous atrocities committed on fellow Indians by their British rulers, who came to trade under the guise of the East India Company, but ended up controlling most of the nation, and permitting tyrants such as General Dyer to massacre thousands of innocent men, women and children in Jallianwala Baug....

发布于2002年。由Rajkumar Santoshi执导,并且由编剧Ranjit Kapoor、Piyush Mishra携幕后团队创作。集众多位Ajay Devgan、Sushant Singh、D. Santosh、Akhilendra Mishra等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2002-06-07公映的电影。

MadMr'N 2021-07-15

首个在印度普及十月**精神的**者,主张丢下宗教枷锁共同抵抗殖民者,可惜最终年纪轻轻牺牲在英国殖民者手中。 印度后来被甘地带*,走上了“躺着挨打”的****

圈圈马 2020-10-19


朱燕** 2020-02-27


伏维*主 2017-08-16


AYR!LM@~YK 2014-11-07


Anjali 2012-05-31

拍得过于中正的英雄传记片。Bhagat Singh那一伙人就是《芭萨提的颜色》里那群当代***缅怀的印度**传*****运动中,这一路人马不同意甘地的非暴力不**,而是讲求为****奋斗的暴力**。

herosnail 2011-11-22
