Are You the Favorite Person of Anybody?在线观看和下载

Are You the Favorite Person of Anybody? (2005)

  • 豆瓣评分:  8.3
  • 演员: John C. Reilly / Miranda July
  • 上映时间: 2005-01-23
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《Are You the Favorite Person of Anybody?》在线观看和下载


Are You the Favorite Person of Anybody?

A man with a clipboard asks passersby a survey question: "Are you the favorite person of anybody?" He has a scale, from "very certain" on down. His manner is open. He offers oranges to one respondent. He talks, one at a time, to three people. Their answers, however brief, are revealing.

发布于2005年。由Miguel Arteta执导,并且由编剧米兰达·裘丽携幕后团队创作。集众多位John C. Reilly、Miranda July等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2005-01-23公映的电影。

sister rat 2023-09-24

非常喜欢标题 // 好奇六尺之下那一家会咋答😆

榴槤乜乜乜 2022-09-24

Short and impressive. Definitely. 連看了三遍,第二遍開始大哭。Soooo powerful.

蓝格子 2020-05-03

emmmmm, orange, maybe three...

[Deleted] 2019-03-26

$150预算低成本作品 诡辩的问题让人难以招架

镜子世界 2018-04-11

I might be ** father’s favorite person...and maybe ** ex ex boyfriend...but only maybe...

Ying 2018-03-19

曾经在旧**一个科技博物馆里看过 **驻留 泪流满面

Elsieisboating 2017-09-25

自问自答 不是 (嫌弃自己的此刻

Zoe.W ღ 呆 2010-08-11

i'm not anyone's favorite person.i guess

小程同学 2010-04-27

Are You the Favorite Person of Anybody?-well,definitely maybe. sorry i guess no