
731部队鲜为人知的故事 (2004)

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731部队鲜为人知的故事原名:Kizu (les fantômes de l'unité 731),

"The Japanese army occupied Manchuria in 1932. Japanese armed forces would soon storm China, South-east Asia, the Philippines and Indonesia. The plan to control the whole of East Asia was taking shape.  1932 was also the year when a top secret Japanese army unit - commanded by Dr Shiro Ishii - set up in Manchuria. Its mission was to experiment with and mass-produce bacteriologic...

发布于2004年。由Serge Viallet执导,

你说,你先说、 2016-04-15

"The Japanese army occupied Manchuria in 1932. Japanese armed forces would soon storm China, South-east Asia, the Philippines and Indonesia. The plan to control the whole of East Asia was taking shape.